Percentage Formula
- Percentage change:\frac{New value−Old value}{Old value} × 100%
↳ Percentage increase / decrease: 答案要正數
- Increase / Decrease: New value = Old value × (1 ± \begin{array}{c} Increase\% \\ Decrease\% \end{array} )
- Profit / Loss / Discount
Profit / Loss:Cost × (1 ± \begin{array}{c} Profit\% \\ Loss\% \end{array} ) = Selling price
🌟一條式可以搵三樣野(Cost / % / SP),邊個唔知就設未知數
Selling price – cost = Profit (Loss)
Discount:Marked price (1 – Discount %) = Selling price
Marked price – selling price = Discount
- Interest
Simple Interest: A = P (1 + r% × T)
Compound interest:A = P × (1 + \frac{r\%}{n})^ {Tn}
Interest = A – P
[A = Amount, P = Principal, r = rate per annum,
T = Number of years, n = Number of periods in a year]
Compounded monthly: n = 12
Compounded half-yearly: n = 2
Compounded quarterly: n = 4
- 百分變化: \frac{新值 - 舊值}{舊值} × 100%
↳ 百分上升 / 下降: 答案要正數
- 上升 / 下降: 新值 = 舊值 × (1 ± \begin{array}{c} 上升\% \\ 下降\% \end{array} )
- 盈利 / 虧蝕 / 折扣
盈利 / 虧蝕:成本 × (1 ± \begin{array}{c} 盈利\% \\ 虧蝕\% \end{array} ) = 售價
🌟一條式可以搵三樣野(Cost / % / SP),邊個唔知就設未知數
售會 – 成本 = 盈利 (虧蝕)
折扣:標價 (1 – 折扣 %) = 售價
標價 – 售價 = 折扣
- 利息
單利息:A = P (1 + r% × T)
複利息:A = P × (1 + \frac{r\%}{n}) ^{Tn}
利息= A – P
[A = 本利和, P = 本金, r = 年利率,
T = 時期, n = 每年期數]
每月一結: n = 12
每半年一結: n = 2
每季一結: n = 4
DSE 2023 P1 Q5
DSE 2023 P2 Q11
DSE 2022 P1 Q5
DSE 2022 P2 Q11
Percentage 百分比公式課程
- Quadratic equations in one unknown 一元二次方程
- Logarithm 對數公式
- Variations 變分
- Polynomials 多項式
- Complex Number 複數
- Laws of integral indices formula 整數指數律公式
- Percentage 百分比公式
- Estimation and Error Formula 誤差公式
- Rate and Ratio Formula 率和比
- Identities 恆等式
- Deductive Geometry 演繹幾何定理
- Mensuration Formula 求積法公式
- Equation of Straight Lines 直線方程
- Quadratic equations in one unknown 一元二次方程
- Logarithm 對數公式
- Variations 變分
- Polynomials 多項式
- Complex Number 複數
- Laws of integral indices formula 整數指數律公式
- Percentage 百分比公式
- Estimation and Error Formula 誤差公式
- Rate and Ratio Formula 率和比
- Identities 恆等式
- Deductive Geometry 演繹幾何定理
- Mensuration Formula 求積法公式
- Equation of Straight Lines 直線方程