

June 27, 2023
閱讀時間:13 分鐘



Dividend 被除數 f(x) = Divisor 除數 × Quotient 商式 + Remainder 餘式
Remainder Theorem 餘式定理
→ When f(x) is divided by (ax – b), the remainder is f \left(\frac {b}{a} \right). 當f(x) 除以 (ax – b)時,餘數為 f\left(\frac{b}{a}\right)
Factor Theorem 因式定理
→ If f \left(\frac{b}{a}\right) = 0, then (ax – b) is the factor of f(x). 若f\left(\frac{b}{a}\right) = 0, 則 (ax – b) 為 f(x) 的因數


2022 DSE P2 Q9

設 g(x) =   x^2+ax+b,其中 a 及 b 均為常數。若 g(x) 可被 x + 2a 整除,求當 g(x) 除以 x – 2a 時的餘數。

Let g(x) = x^2+ax+b, where a and b are constants. If g(x) is divisible by x + 2a, find the remainder when g(x) is divided by x – 2a.

A. -2a^2

B. 0

C. 2a^2

D. 4a^2


2023 DSE P2 Q9

設h(x) = ax^6+16x^3+b,其中a及b 均為常數。若 h(x) 可被 2x – 3 整除,求當 h(x) 除以 2x+3 時的餘數。

Let h(x) = ax^6+16x^3+b, where a and b are constants. If h(x) is divisible by 2x – 3, find the remainder when h(x) is divided by 2x + 3.

A. -108

B. -54

C. 54

D. 108


數學公式-Complex Number 複數

i = \sqrt{−1}
i^2 = −1
i^3 = −i
i^4 = 1
If a + bi = c + di , then a = c and b = d.
For a complex number, a + bi , the real part is a and the imaginary part is b. 對於複數, a + bi , 實部為 a,虛部為 b
If z = a + bi is real number, then b = 0. 若z = a + bi 為實數, 則 b = 0
If z = a + bi is purely imaginary number, then a = 0 and b ≠ 0. 若z = a + bi 為純虛數, 則a = 0 及 b ≠ 0


2022 DSE P2 Q35

z = 4 + 5i^{10} - ki^{15} + 6i^{21} + 2ki^{28},其中 k 為一實數。若 z 的實部與虛部相等,則 z 的實部為

Let z = 4 + 5i^{10} - ki^{15} + 6i^{21} + 2ki^{28} , where k is a real number. If the real part and the imaginary part of z are equal, then the real part of z is

A. 7。

B. 13。

C. 17。

D. 25。


2023 DSE P2 Q34

若 k 為一實數,則  \frac{i}{k - i} + \frac{2}{k + i} 的實部為

If k is a real number, then the real part of \frac{i}{k - i} + \frac{2}{k + i} is

A. \frac{2k + 1}{k^2 - 1}

B. \frac{2k - 1}{k^2 + 1}

C. \frac{k + 2}{k^2 - 1}

D. \frac{k - 2}{k^2 + 1}


數學公式-Quadratic Equations 二次方程

Quadratic Formula 二次公式: x = \frac{−b±\sqrt{b^2 − 4ac}}{2a}
Discriminant 判別式: ∆ = b^2 − 4ac
∆ > 0  →    Two distinct roots 兩個相異根
∆ = 0  →    One double root 一個相重實根
∆ < 0  →    No real roots 沒有實根
∆ ≥ 0  →    Have real roots 有實根
Sum of roots 兩根之和 and product of roots 兩根之積
For a quadratic equation with roots α  and β : y = ax^2 + bx + c
對於二次方程其根為 及 : y = a^2 + bx + c
Sum of roots 兩根之和 = α + β = − \frac{b}{a}
Product of roots 兩根之積 = αβ = \frac{c}{a}
Form equations 構建方程式
x^2– (sum of roots)x + (product of roots) = 0
x^2 – (兩根之和)x + (兩根之積) = 0
k(x – α)(x – β) = 0 , where k is a constant
k(x – α)(x – β) = 0 , 其中 k 為常數

數學公式-Rate and Ratio Formula 率和比

Distance  距離 = Speed 速率 × Time 時間
Map area 地圖面積
Map area 地圖面積 × ratio^2 ÷ unit^2 = Actual area 實際面積
Unit 單位
km      →      m       →      cm       →      mm  
         x 1000           x 100             x 10 (調轉就除)
day      →       hr       →   min   →     second
            x 24              x 60              x 60(調轉就除)
kg    →     g
      x 1000(調轉就除)


2023 DSE P2 Q12

某地圖的比例尺為 1:50 000。若一機場的實際面積為 10 km^2 ,則這機場在該地圖上的面積為

The scale of a map is  1:50 000. If the actual area of an airport is 10 km^2 , then the area of this airport on the map is

A. 2 cm^2

B. 4 cm^2

C. 20 cm^2

D. 40 cm^2


數學公式-Estimation and Error Formula 誤差

Maximum absolutely error 最大絕對誤差 = \frac{smallest  scale  interval 最細可量度單位}{2}
Absolute error 絕對誤差 = Measured value 量度值 (bigger) – Actual value 真確值 (smaller)
                               Actual value 真確值 (bigger) – Measured value 量度值 (smaller)
Relative Error 相對誤差 = \frac{Maximum  absolute  error 最大絕對誤差}{Measured  value 量度值} = \frac{Absolute  error 絕對誤差}{True  value 真確值}
Percentage Error 百分誤差= Relative error 相對誤差 × 100%
Upper Limit 上限 = Measured value 量度值 + Maximum absolute error 最大絕對誤差
Lower Limit 下限 = Measured value 量度值 − Maximum absolute error 最大絕對誤差
Range 範圍: Lower limit 下限 ≤ Actual value 真確值 < Upper limit 上限


2022 DSE P2 Q6

已知 x 為一實數。若將 x 下捨入至三位有效數字,則結果為345。求 x 值的範圍。

It is given that x is a real number. If x is rounded down to 3 significant figures, then the result is 345. Find the range of values of x.

A. 344 < x ≤ 345

B. 345 ≤ x < 346

C. 345 < x ≤ 345.5

D. 344.5 ≤ x < 345.5


2023 DSE P2 Q7

若 y = 73.8(準確至三位有效數字),求 y 值的範圍。

If y = 73.8 (correct to 3 significant figures), find the range of values of y.

A. 73.7 ≤ y < 73.9

B. 73.7 < y ≤ 73.9

C. 73.75 ≤ y < 73.85

D. 73.75 < y ≤ 73.85


數學公式-Identities 恆等

a^2 - b^2 = (a + b)(a - b)
(a + b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab +b^2
(a - b)^2 = a^2 - 2ab + b^2
a^3 + b^3 = (a + b)(a^2 - ab +b^2)
a^3 - b^3 = (a - b)(a^2 +ab +b^2)
🌟小口缺: 正 × 正負正
                       負 × 負正正


2022 DSE P2 Q1


A. (α+β)(α-β+1)

B. (α+β)(α-β-1)

C. (α-β)(α+β+1)

D. (α-β)(α+β-1)


2023 DSE P2 Q5

若 c 及 d 均為常數使得(x+2)(x+c) + 12 ≡ x(x+d)+6c(x+1),則 d =

If c and d are constants such that (x+2)(x+c) + 12 ≡ x(x+d)+6c(x+1), then d =

A. -13

B. -3

C. 3

D. 17


數學公式-Percentage 百分比

Percentage change 百分變化:\frac{New  value 新值−Old  value 舊值}{Old  value 舊值} × 100%
↳ Percentage increase 百分上升 / decrease 下降: 答案要正數
Increase 上升/ Decrease 下降: New value 新值 = Old  value 舊值 × (1 ± \begin{array}{c} Increase上升\% \\ Decrease下降\% \end{array} )
Profit 盈利 / Loss 虧蝕 / Discount 折扣
Profit 盈利 / Loss 虧蝕:Cost 成本 × (1 ± \begin{array}{c} Profit盈利\% \\ Loss虧蝕\% \end{array} ) = Selling price 售價
🌟一條式可以搵三樣野(Cost / % / SP),邊個唔知就設未知數
Selling price 售價 – cost 成本 = Profit 盈利 (Loss 虧蝕)
Discount 折扣:Marked price 標價 (1 – Discount 折扣 %) = Selling price 售價
                     Marked price 標價 – selling price 售價 = Discount 折扣
Interest 利息
Simple Interest 單利息: A = P (1 + r% ×  T)  
Compound interest 複利息:A = P × (1 + \frac{r\%}{n})^ {Tn}
Interest 利息 = A – P 
[A = Amount 本利和, P = Principal 本金, r = rate per annum 年利率, 
T = Number of years 時期, n = Number of periods in a year 每年期數]
Compounded monthly 每月一結: n = 12
Compounded half-yearly 每半年一結: n = 2
Compounded quarterly 每季一結: n = 4


2022 DSE P2 Q11

存款 $88 000,年利率 6%,年期 4 年,複利計算,每月一結。求利息準確至最接近的元。

A sum of $88 000 is deposited at an interest rate of 6% per annum for 4 years, compounded monthly. Find the interest correct to the nearest dollar.

A. $ 21 120

B. $ 23 098

C. $ 23 803

D. $ 23 825


2023 DSE P2 Q11


The marked price of a jacket is 60% above its cost. A profit of $104 is made by selling the jacket at a discount of 25% on its marked price. Find the cost of the jacket.

A. $416

B. $520

C. $728

D. $832


數學公式-Quadratic Functions二次函數

General form 一般式: y = ax^2 + bx + c
a = direction of opening 開口方向
b = slope 斜率
c = y-intercept 截距
Vertex form 頂點式:   y = a(x – h)^2 + k
Axis of symmetry 對稱軸: x = \frac{−b}{2a}
Vertex 頂點: (h, k) = (\frac{−b}{2a}, −\frac{b^2−4ac}{4a})
If a > 0, then the minimum value of y is k and the corresponding value of x is h.
若a > 0, 則y 的極小值為k 及其對應的x 值為h。
If a < 0, then the maximum value of y is k and the corresponding value of x is h.
若a < 0, 則y 的極大值為k 及其對應的x 值為h。


2022 DSE P2 Q10

設 h 及 k 均為實常數使得 hk < 0 。下列有關 y=(h-x)(k-x)的圖像之敍述,何者正確?

Let h and k be real constants such that hk<0. Which of the following statements about the graph of y=(h-x)(k-x) are true?

I. 該圖像開口向上。   The graph opens upwards.

II. 該圖像有兩個x截距。   The graph has two x-intercepts.

III. 該圖像的y截距為正值。   The y-intercept of the graph is positive.

A. 只有 I 及 II

B. 只有 I 及 III

C. 只有 II 及 III

D. I 、II 及 III


2023 DSE P2 Q10

下列有關 y=5+(x-3)^2的圖像之敍述,何者正確?

Which of the following statements about the graph of y=5+(x-3)^2 is true?

A. 該圖像開口向下。   The graph opens downwards.

B. 該圖像的x截距為3。   The x-intercept of the graph is 3.

C. 該圖像的y截距為5。   The y-intercept of the graph is 5.

D. 該圖像通過點(3,5)。   The graph passes through the point (3,5).


數學公式-Laws of integral indices formula 整數指數律

Given a, b ≠ 0, 已知 a, b ≠ 0,
a^m \times a^n = a^{m+n}
\frac{a^m}{a^n} = a^{m-n}
\left(a^m\right)^n = a^{mn}
\left(ab\right)^m = a^m\times b^m
\left(\frac{a}{b}\right)^m = \frac{a^m}{b^m}
a^{-m} = \frac{1}{a^m}
a^0 = 1
a^\frac{1}{m} = \sqrt[m]{a} , \text{(n is positive integer 其中m 為正整數)}


2022 DSE P2 Q31


Which of the following is the least?

A. (-345)^{768}

B. 453^{-786}

C. (\frac{1}{435})^{867}

D. (\frac{2}{543})^{876}


2023 DSE P2 Q3


A. 6^{2n+4}

B. 6^{4n+8}

C. 12^{2n+4}

D. 12^{3n+6}


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June 23, 2023